we go,..Shitty stuff about lil' ole me! My full name is Lotte
Petersen Sørensen. I'm 20
years old and in Denmark, Europe. I'm
a full time student but sick to death
of school and living here...blah! :( I
love art and I've been
drawing since I was little. My biggest dream is to become a
tattoo artist but it seems impossible to get
an apprenticeship here in Denmark. :( That's one of the reasons why
I'd like to move to Old Engerrrrland
or Magic America... My artwork has
been published in a french book called 'Presumed
Innocent' and my work has been a part of the
exhibition The Uses Of Literacy
= steel, big
eyes, bad skin, fat'n'fuct up,
lonely, bored/boring, friendly, friendless,
midget (5'3), confused, art pig,
day dreamer, lovesick, dork,
childish and never growing up..eeeeep!
my boi <3...art...body
lifestyle....weird hair.. .toys
...chocolate... .strange clothes.. .Hello Kitty & My Melody... anything with
stars...glitter...nail varnish...London...platform
boots...2nd hand stuff...Diablo
2 ..dolls...coloured scraps...pale
skin....candy...hot chocolate...playing with lil' kittens...my
granny...safety pins...snowmen
and scare crows
most people...my noisy, cocksucking
neighbours...drugs/cigarettes/alcohol...animal abuse...my
so-called life...illness...people who call me names (fuck
you!)....not being able to sleep...angry
faces...screaming kids....plastic- pop -music...porn...counter strike..boredom..being
lonely...scary movies...and icky
// manic street preachers...sUede...nine
inch nails...the Cure.. .hOle... menswear... mariOn...
pulp... mUse... radiOhead... Leisure
hive...sahara hOtnights...my rUin...PJ
I'm a friendly little creature so Come On, e-mail me :) [email protected]
All images and art copyright by Lotte S. 2001/2002.